Can Herbs Help Fight Cancer?
Experts are now saying that many natural resources can help fight against cancer. Almost 9 million people all over the world will die from cancer and nearly twice as many people that have cancer are needing safe and effective treatments that can help them to fight against it.
There are over 50 different plants and herbs found in Saudi Arabia that have been examined and used by researchers at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology to see whether or not they are able to help fight against cancer. So far only 3[…]
Could Living Alone Cause Depression?
At the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvenlines a recent study suggests that people who are living alone are more likely to suffer from mental disorders. The study was published in the journal PLOS ONE and links the isolation to developing depression.
In the past people were getting married and having children more often than today. In recent studies the marriage rate is decreasing in our modern society and less and less people are choosing to not have children. This increases the number of people who are choosing to live alone which has been[…]