Daily Tea Can Help Lower your Risk For Alzheimer’s
The Many Benefits
Tea is well known for its relaxing nature as well as its natural energy boost. However, as it turns out daily tea consumption can also contribute to numerous other health benefits such as; skin clarity, weight loss, and a sharper mind. Additionally so, tea can also be accredited for a lower cholesterol, reduced allergies, sharper memory , as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Another benefit to daily tea consumption is its potential to lower your risk for developing conditions like Dementia or Alzheimer’s.
In a recent study conducted by researchers in China,[…]
Obesity causes higher risk for Alzheimer’s
New research shows a link between obesity and Alzheimers. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health studied how if you are over the age of 50 and obese your risk for developing Alzheimer’s is high. The more pounds that were on lead to a higher risk of developing a disease.
They are still researching this concept, but one thing they know for sure is that it’s important to have a healthy lifestyle and diet. Over 5 million people in the U.S. today are living with Alzheimer’s. The burdens and worries that come with[…]