long term care insurance transamerica

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  • Insurance Policy TransCare III

Transamerica Announces New Long Term Care Insurance Policy TransCare III

By |August 28, 2013|Categories: Breaking News, Companies, Insurance Industry, Retirement Planning|Tags: , |

Beginning in September, Transamerica’s newest long term care insurance policy, TransCare III, will be available for sale across the nation.

Next Generation

TransCare III represents what Transamerica calls the “next-generation of Long Term Care insurance”.  As life expectancy increases, technology improves, and health care gets more expensive, long term care insurance providers are making adjustments to react to the new cost environments.

The new policy will be available for individual sales in all Interstate Compact states on September 10th, 2013. The company is seeking approval from the Departments of Insurance in all other states and plans to begin sales in those states upon approval.


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