
  • Long Term Care Insurance

Newly Introduced House Bill Tightens Medicaid Eligibility for Long Term Care

By |May 2, 2013|Categories: Government, Insurance Industry, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , , |

A bill introduced last week in the U.S. House of Representatives seeks to tighten Medicaid eligibility for Long Term Care by allowing states to decrease the amount of home equity exemption to as low as $50,000.

H.R. 1702, or the “Medicaid Program Integrity Act of 2013”, also includes an attempt to eliminate the Maintenance of Effort rules. The Maintenance of Effort rules, which were established in the Affordable Care Act, have been preventing states from closing loopholes that allow Medicaid fraud in long term care services.

Bill Meant to Minimize Medicaid Abuse and Fraud

Both provisions of the bill are intended to reduce Medicaid[…]

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  • Government Commission

Government Commission on Long Term Care

By |January 29, 2013|Categories: Government, Insurance Industry|Tags: , , , |

As recently reported on this blog, the “fiscal cliff” deal signed on the 1st of January this year by Congress included a few items relevant to Long Term Care Insurance and created a new Government Commission on Long Term Care.  Namely, the final, and widely-thought to be inevitable, repeal of the CLASS Act was included in this deal as well as the subsequent formation of the Government Commission on Long Term Care to examine the problem.  This commission is tasked with taking a hard look at the impending crisis of the lack of long-term care planning and coverage in America.  This crisis,[…]

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