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  • Video Games

New Study Suggests Video Games May Improve Cognitive Skills

By |September 6, 2013|Categories: Advice, Breaking News, Psychology, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , , |

A video game designed by researchers may help improve cognitive skills and enhance memory, according to a new study. Results of the study, published yesterday in the journal Nature, showed that seniors who played a game called NeuroRacer showed marked improvements in certain cognitive functions, including attention span and ability to multitask.

Cognitive Declinevideo games improve cognitive skills

It’s no secret that as we age, our cognitive abilities diminish. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco were interested in seeing how challenging the brain can slow that cognitive decline.

Studies on dementia and cognitive[…]

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  • All Stroke Patients

American Stroke Association Advocates Long Term Care Access for All Stroke Patients

By |September 4, 2013|Categories: Advice, Breaking News, Government, Insurance Industry, Medicare, Retirement Planning|Tags: |

A policy statement released by the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association emphasized the importance of an integrated stroke system, which includes access to long term care services for all stroke patients.

Key Components

long term care stroke patientsThe 25 page policy recommendation was released last week and includes key concepts and components of a modern stroke system. The document emphasizes integration and coordination of the various phases of stroke care in order to create a better functioning stroke system.

Dr. Higashida, co-chair of the writing group, explained that the suggested concepts are meant[…]

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  • Buy Long Term Care Insurance

A Better Way to Buy Long Term Care Insurance

By |August 29, 2013|Categories: Advice, Buying Tips, Companies, Insurance Industry, Retirement Planning|Tags: , |

We’ve all heard some variation of this story: after years of paying premiums on time, someone files a claim with their insurance company, only to be denied benefits and cheated out of the coverage they deserve. No matter what type of insurance, this has happened to consumers, and long term care insurance buyers haven’t been spared. These stories are not blanket warnings against policies, however, although some people choose to use them as so. Rather, they are tools to help us make wiser decisions about how to buy insurance.

Choose Wisely

Many people bought long term care insurance policies when they first[…]

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  • Insurance Policy TransCare III

Transamerica Announces New Long Term Care Insurance Policy TransCare III

By |August 28, 2013|Categories: Breaking News, Companies, Insurance Industry, Retirement Planning|Tags: , |

Beginning in September, Transamerica’s newest long term care insurance policy, TransCare III, will be available for sale across the nation.

Next Generation

TransCare III represents what Transamerica calls the “next-generation of Long Term Care insurance”.  As life expectancy increases, technology improves, and health care gets more expensive, long term care insurance providers are making adjustments to react to the new cost environments.

The new policy will be available for individual sales in all Interstate Compact states on September 10th, 2013. The company is seeking approval from the Departments of Insurance in all other states and plans to begin sales in those states upon approval.


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  • Helps Seniors Manage Health

New Tablet Helps Seniors Manage Health and Communicate with Family

By |August 23, 2013|Categories: Breaking News, Buying Tips, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , |

A button-free tablet designed specifically for seniors was recently introduced by a healthcare company. The tablet is meant to help users manage their health regimen and keep in contact with family members.

Interface and Communication

long term care technology The Claris Companion – photo provided by Claris Healthcare

Claris Healthcare released the tablet last month and has begun sales in their online market. The tablet features a simple user interface, a button-free design, and the device comes completely configured. Purchasers must create an account before buying the tablet, in order to have[…]

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  • Long Term Care Insurance Products

John Hancock Makes Adjustments to State Partnership Long Term Care Insurance Products

By |August 21, 2013|Categories: Benefits, Breaking News, Buying Tips, Companies, Insurance Industry, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , |

John Hancock has announced the discontinuation of the sale of its California Partnership Long Term Care Insurance product, effective Monday, September 16.

Strict Regulations and Low Sales in California

The company described the move as a “difficult decision” based on “continued low sales volume” and their findings “that the strategic direction of our LTC products and markets no longer synchronizes with California Partnership regulatory requirements”.

Current policyholders of California Partnership plans will not be affected by the changes, and already existing plans remain guaranteed renewable. However, the company did note that premium rates can be raised based on regulatory approval. All applications for[…]

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