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  • Gender Based Pricing

California Bill Would Prohibit Long Term Care Insurance Gender Based Pricing

By |January 30, 2014|Categories: Breaking News, Government, Insurance Industry, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , |

A bill proposed in California legislature this week would eliminate gender based pricing from long term care insurance policies and prohibit companies from enacting similar pricing models in the future.

Gender Based Pricing

Assemblywoman Mariko Yamada (D- Davis) introduced AB 1553 on Tuesday, citing the current insurance pricing system as unfair discrimination.

“Gender discrimination has broad public policy implications,” Yamada said in a statement. “Women earn less than men in their lifetime and accumulate less wealth, so charging women more for the same policies is neither a fair nor effective solution to covering the industry’s costs. Pricing based on life expectancy sets[…]

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  • Advocacy Group

Advocacy Group Challenges Long Term Care Insurance Gender Based Pricing

By |January 19, 2014|Categories: Breaking News, Companies, Government, Insurance Industry, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , , |

A women’s advocacy group filed sex discrimination complaints against four of the nation’s largest long term care insurance carriers this week.

Long Term Care Insurance Pricing Model

The National Women’s Law Center filed the complaints with the long term care insuranceOffice for Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services on Thursday, according to a press release. The complaints claim the new gender based pricing implemented by these companies amounts to gender discrimination.

Genworth, John Hancock, Transamerica, and Mutual of Omaha each introduced gender based pricing last year. The pricing practice[…]

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  • Long Term Care Insurance Rate

Why Switching Policies After a Long Term Care Insurance Rate Increase Isn’t a Smart Choice

By |January 15, 2014|Categories: Advice, Buying Tips, Insurance Industry, Psychology, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , |

If you are among the adult Americans who own a long term care policy, then chances are you have received notice of a long term care insurance rate increase sometime in the past few years. Like many others, you might be wondering if it’s even worth it to keep your same policy or if you should switch to a new carrier. A recent experience with a client provided a great example of just why you should stop and do your research before dropping your long term care insurance policy.

Comparing the Costs

Stephen and his wife live in New Jersey and after[…]

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  • Retirement Resolutions

Retirement Resolutions for 2014

By |December 30, 2013|Categories: Advice, Buying Tips, Insurance Industry, Psychology, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , , |

Surveys continue to show that Americans simply aren’t prepared for retirement. We don’t have enough saved and most of us aren’t even sure just how much we should be saving. This presents a real problem, especially as the huge population of Baby Boomers is on the verge of retirement.

As you ring in the New Year, consider whether or not it’s time to include retirement planning on your list of resolutions. If you’re older than 50, the answer is a resounding yes. In truth, though, it’s never too early to start planning for retirement. So, whether you are 25 or 50,[…]

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  • New Dementia Care Program

New Dementia Care Program Aimed at Reducing Antipsychotic Use

By |December 17, 2013|Categories: Advice, Companies, Insurance Industry, Psychology, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , |

A new program is now available to long term care providers who are looking to improve the quality of dementia care.

Dementia Treatment

Compiled by the AMDA, the resource is free if you agree to take a survey at the end. long term careThe program provides information for both prescribers and non-prescribers to help focus on person-centered care and reduce the number of antipsychotic medications used in long term care facilities, specifically nursing homes.

Though long term care providers have made progress in cutting down  the number of antipsychotic drugs used, a recent[…]

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  • Universal Long Term Care Coverage

Universal Long Term Care Coverage Proposed in Congress

By |December 12, 2013|Categories: Breaking News, Government, Insurance Industry, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , |

A bill introduced to Congress on Monday would create a single-payer health care system for the United States, and includes universal long term care coverage.

Universal Health Care

The “American Health Security Act of 2013” was introduced by Senator Bernie universal long term careSanders (I-VT) and would require states to create a single-payer insurance system that replaces the Affordable Care Act exchanges and eliminates all other forms of public health insurance.

A response to the failed rollout of Obamacare, the new bill demonstrates a growing frustration with the new health care laws and the[…]

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