Long Term Care Insurance Tree gets Award 3rd Year in a Row
Long Term Care Insurance Tree has made the Bulldog 100 list for the third year in a row, coming in 15th place out of 100 this year. Founded in 1995, LTC Tree is an Atlanta-based Long Term Care Insurance brokerage that is the largest, “virtual” connection to Long Term Care Insurance in the nation. Long Term Care Insurance Tree can assist you with finding a policy that is right for you not matter where you live in all 50 States in the country. Our approach is designed to save you both money and time with the[…]
Long Term Care Insurance policy trends
Long Term Care Insurance policy trends are emerging across the industry. The insurers are recognizing that when it comes to Long Term Care Insurance policy design, one size does not fit all when the personal preferences, financial situation and other factors are taken into account. In order to make smart, retirement-planning decisions with regards to your Long Term Care Insurance policy, you’ll need to know what’s possible but also what will work for you and your family in preparing for you, and your spouse’s, future, long-term care needs.
Long Term Care Insurance policy trends![Long[...]
Long Term Care Insurance cost overestimated by most Americans
There is an impending crisis upon us in America in long-term care. Long Term Care Insurance costs very little compared what you need to assist in paying for long-term care services in retirement. While the need for long-term care can, in theory, occur at any age, the majority of claimants are over 65 and in retirement. Sadly, many Americans shun Long Term Care Insurance costs because of the perception that it is too expensive and not good value-for-money. In addition, many Americans simply aren’t aware that they even need to plan for their future long-term care needs or that they[…]
Long Term Care Insurance Companies set to price their Policies based on Gender
Gender discrimination is normally not legal. But, when it comes to Long Term Care Insurance companies that offer this type of insurance, they have now realized an obvious truth: women live longer than men and thus use more benefits from this type of insurance. A lot more, in fact, and estimates are as high as 70% or more of the more than $6 billion in claims are paid out to women. Until now, Long Term Care Insurance companies have priced equally for men and women, unlike, for example, life insurance. Long Term Care Insurance companies are only now realizing their[…]
Long Term Care Insurance commission: Obama’s actions could help raise Awareness
A Long Term Care Insurance commission is being formed after the abject failure of the so-called CLASS Act left many wondering if the government should get involved at all in helping Americans plan for the need for Long Term Care Insurance, industry experts are now optimistic about the next four years with Obama in the White House. Overall, the heightened awareness of the need to plan for your future long-term care needs is something that many see as a positive development. This fact, coupled with the recent “Fiscal Cliff” deal and its creation of a Long Term Care Insurance commission[…]
Government Commission on Long Term Care
As recently reported on this blog, the “fiscal cliff” deal signed on the 1st of January this year by Congress included a few items relevant to Long Term Care Insurance and created a new Government Commission on Long Term Care. Namely, the final, and widely-thought to be inevitable, repeal of the CLASS Act was included in this deal as well as the subsequent formation of the Government Commission on Long Term Care to examine the problem. This commission is tasked with taking a hard look at the impending crisis of the lack of long-term care planning and coverage in America. This crisis,[…]